DuPage County Paternity Attorneys

When unmarried parents have children, parentage rights must be established. In Illinois, this can be done in a number of ways including voluntary acknowledgement. When there is a dispute as to the paternity of a child, however, there are legal ways to resolve that dispute. At the Law Offices of Kenny & Kenny, we are experienced in representing both mothers and potential fathers in paternity cases. We can help establish the paternity of a father and resolve all related issues, such as child support, child custody, and visitation.
Proving Positive Paternity
When the paternity of a child is in question, DNA testing is used to determine parentage. In most paternity cases, a mother seeking to establish the legal responsibilities of a child's father will request such DNA testing. If the potential father does not willingly submit to DNA testing, a court order can be issued to compel his submission. Likewise, if a potential father is seeking to establish his parental rights to a child, a court order can be issued to compel DNA testing of the child. Our attorneys can assist you in obtaining any necessary court orders to further your paternity action.
Following a positive paternity finding, there are a number of issues that must be resolved. The biological parents of a child have both rights and responsibilities related to that child. The biological father may need to pay child support to the mother and may be able to establish custody and visitation rights. Negotiating these issues is best done outside of court in order to preserve a positive parenting relationship and an amicable environment for the child. In some cases, however, it is necessary to litigate these matters to reach an agreement. No matter what the circumstances of the case, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the paternity process.
To learn more about how we can help you with your paternity matter or to have your paternity questions answered, contact us to schedule a one-hour initial consultation. Our firm is located in Wheaton, Illinois, and we assist clients throughout the Chicagoland area, including DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Will, and Cook Counties.